1- What Is He

Root, is a human-like tree that was made from growing as a plant with the help of a secret potion. He has the characteristics of a tree and his but has the body of a human. Root is small as a pencil is and about 7 ½ tall. Due to his tree-like abilities he can smell when rain is coming and has wings made of leaves. Root is small but mighty as a bear.

     Root specializes in reversing the effects of deforestation. He does this by using his connection to the wilderness to hear distress among the wildlife, and senses when there has been deforestation. Also, he can use his extraordinary eyesight to spot the humans when they are trying to cut the trees down. When alerted of such acts, he flies to the affected area, feels the roots to see which trees are damaged and plants seeds accordingly, and as soon as possible. When his job is complete, he rejuvenates his abilities by experiencing the sweet taste of berries when he eats them.

    Root has a very specific flight path for his duties. He tends to the Amazon rainforest when there is deforestation there. Other places that he tends to include, Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park which happens to be his home base. He connects with the sequoias in the park because their giant stature acts as a father figure to him while away from his creator, by giving him something to look up to, since they are so tall. Growing up as a tree man, has helped him develop a relationship with the wildlife, teaching him that destroying habitats is wrong, which encourages him to do the right thing, by saving the environment.


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